Medical Negligence: The First 3 Things That You Need To Do

About a year ago, I started focusing on understanding legal concepts because of some legal trouble I was having at work. It was really discouraging to be left dealing with the idea that my entire future could be decided by a single judge, but I knew that I had to do something to make things right. I started working with a professional lawyer to understand what I was facing, and it was fascinating to learn more about the law. I wanted to create a website all about focusing on legal concepts to help other people who might be facing legal trouble.

Medical Negligence: The First 3 Things That You Need To Do

Medical Negligence: The First 3 Things That You Need To Do

11 May 2016
Law, Blog

If you feel that you have suffered an injury as a result of substandard medical care, it is important that you take the proper first steps. These initial decisions are crucial, as they will pave the way to a future legal claim should you decide to pursue a lawsuit. So, whether you were misdiagnosed, suffered an infection after surgery, or something else entirely, here are the first three things that you should do:

1. Reach Out to the Medical Professional.

The very first thing that you need to do is get in touch with the physician, surgeon or other health care professional who was involved in your medical treatment. You need to understand what went wrong and the best person to inform you of that is the individual who was there through it all. You need to know what the goal was of the treatment plan and whether that goal was met. If it wasn't, you need to know why not. By speaking to the medical professional and getting the details, you will be able to know whether there was a lack of medical care and whether medical negligence actually occurred. You will also be able to determine if your condition or injury is something that can be remedied, such as a corrective surgery free of charge.

2. Contact the State Medical Licensing Board.

After speaking to the medical professional who provided care to you, you may want to consider reaching out to the state's medical licensing board. They investigate medical malpractice claims, issue official warnings to medical practitioners and can also provide appropriate discipline to physicians when necessary. It is important to keep in mind that the board will be unable to take care of a medical negligence lawsuit for you to even force the doctor to provide monetary remuneration for you, but they can help you with the beginnings of a legal claim and even with the overall investigation by providing with details on the health care practitioners involved in your individual case.

3. Consult with a Medical Negligence Attorney.

Once you have talked to the medical practitioner as well as the medical licensing board, it may be time to sit down and speak to an experienced medical malpractice lawyer. You will want to do this as quickly as possible after you have suffered an injury as you have a time limit on how long you have to file. If you don't file within your state's statute of limitations, you may not be allowed to file a legal claim at all. An attorney will be able to inform you of your state's laws. In addition, a lawyer will be able to examine the facts of your case and determine whether it is has merit or not – in other words, whether you stand a chance of securing a payout.

The law surrounding medical negligence can be particularly complex. Therefore, it can be helpful to have someone by your side who is knowledgeable about the entire process. So, to help you understand what you are up against, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your malpractice case, and to represent your best interests in and out of court from start to finish, schedule an appointment with a legal team, such as the Davidson Law Center Inc, immediately after you have realized that there is reason to be concerned.  

About Me
Focusing On Legal Concepts

About a year ago, I started focusing on understanding legal concepts because of some legal trouble I was having at work. It was really discouraging to be left dealing with the idea that my entire future could be decided by a single judge, but I knew that I had to do something to make things right. I started working with a professional lawyer to understand what I was facing, and it was fascinating to learn more about the law. I wanted to create a website all about focusing on legal concepts to help other people who might be facing legal trouble.
