
About a year ago, I started focusing on understanding legal concepts because of some legal trouble I was having at work. It was really discouraging to be left dealing with the idea that my entire future could be decided by a single judge, but I knew that I had to do something to make things right. I started working with a professional lawyer to understand what I was facing, and it was fascinating to learn more about the law. I wanted to create a website all about focusing on legal concepts to help other people who might be facing legal trouble.


Examples Of Parental Alienation Behaviors During Divorce

12 September 2018
Law, Blog

In the context of family law, parental alienation is the practice of manipulating a child so that they hate or fear a parent. For example, if you are going through a divorce, the other parent may engage in parental alienation so that the child chooses them over you. The other parent can do this in several ways; for example, by: Verbally Criticizing You A classic parental alienation technique is for the other parent to talk ill of you in the presence of the other child.
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3 Tips For A More Successful Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

13 August 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you or someone who you care about has been affected by medical malpractice, then you could be thinking about filing a lawsuit. However, you could be concerned about whether or not your lawsuit will actually be successful. Of course, it's true that many people file these lawsuits and never see any success from them. This does not have to be the case for you. These are a few tips that can help you increase your chances of success.
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Working With A Lawyer To Set Up A Custody Agreement For Your Kids

9 July 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

No one likes having to deal with things like divorce or separation, but when it does happen and there are children involved, it is important to put aside your differences and make sure that any custody agreement addresses their needs as much as they do yours. A divorce does not have to be hard on the children, so take the time to consider their needs while you are getting the legal details ironed out.
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3 Things A Probate Lawyer Can Be Used For

8 June 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

All attorneys are created equal until you yourself need one, right? Similar to choosing a specialized doctor, you shouldn't just choose any attorney to help you with your needs. If you committed a crime, then you need a criminal defense attorney. If you are going through a divorce, you need a family law attorney. If you are dealing with a contract dispute, then you will need a civil attorney. And, if you are trying to work with a will, trust, or estate then you will need probate lawyers.
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3 Tips For Getting Divorced

9 May 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

One thing about marriage today is that, more than ever, you need to have a contingency plan. People are getting divorced at high rates, so you will need to learn the ropes about getting divorced if you find yourself in this boat. There are a few different family law firms out there that can help you with your case. To learn a little bit more about getting a divorce on your terms, read on and apply the tips in this article.
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About Me
Focusing On Legal Concepts

About a year ago, I started focusing on understanding legal concepts because of some legal trouble I was having at work. It was really discouraging to be left dealing with the idea that my entire future could be decided by a single judge, but I knew that I had to do something to make things right. I started working with a professional lawyer to understand what I was facing, and it was fascinating to learn more about the law. I wanted to create a website all about focusing on legal concepts to help other people who might be facing legal trouble.
